Got into a Car Accident? Avoid Saying And Doing These Things!

When you get into a car accident, your emotions run high. You may say things that can ruin your claim during the heat of the moment. Everything you speak after the collision will be used against you by the insurance company or at-fault party. Without a Rockford car accident lawyer, getting fair compensation can be challenging. If you have said something that has the potential to ruin your claim, a lawyer can provide the right solution.
Here are a few things you should not say/do after a car accident.
- Do not say sorry.
It is normal for people to feel overwhelmed and say sorry after the accident. However, even if you apologized to show sympathy, the insurance company may use it against you as an admission of guilt. Since it is a common belief that people only apologize when they are at fault, the company will use your statements against you.
- Do not discuss who was at fault with the other driver.
Remember, do not discuss who was at fault. If you play the blame game with the other driver, there are chances that you accidentally say something that will ruin your claim. Let police visit the scene, and the insurance company decides who is at fault.
- Do not talk about your accident with anyone.
When you discuss your details about your accident with anyone, it can cause potential damage during your investigation. Additionally, avoid discussing how much compensation you are going to get. Furthermore, resist posting about your accident and compensation amount on your social media profiles. The insurance adjuster will keep an eye on your social media posts and look out for any ways to lower your compensation claim.
- Do not procrastinate to report.
Do not delay reporting your accident to the insurance company as soon as you get home from the accident scene. Inform them about the accident. In case the insurance company asks additional questions, you can refuse to answer until you contact a lawyer. Additionally, you should also not delay your medical treatment.
- Do not give too many details to the insurance company.
While speaking to the insurance adjuster, be calm and do not give too much information. Even saying sentences like “I’m fine” will make the insurance adjuster use your statements against you. No matter how concerned the adjuster looks, refrain from telling too many details. Lastly, you can even take assistance from a lawyer who will guide you on the dos and don’ts.